All you have to do is sink a puck through a 3 inch slot after it's been shot almost the entire length of the  ice and we'll give you $50,000.  That is of course...unless you actually make it.

I can remember a time in Buffalo when it was a big news story that a guy had scored a goal while he had his foot over the line.  But I won't get into that debate here and now.

This is a story about a man from Indiana who had a chance to make the impossible shot for $50,ooo.  To put a little icing on that cake, he was going to donate that money to a hospital that had fixed his heart a couple years back.

The man's name was Richard Marsh, a 73 year old retiree who still plays in an amateur hockey league.  The mascot for the Indiana Ice gets him all fired up to take the shot.  The puck is on the ice.  Mr. Marsh lines up to take his shot.  He gives it a whack down the ice.  Wouldn't you know...HE MAKES IT!!

Or....not...the insurance company who was responsible for dishing out the 50 grand disallowed the shot.  They said he was over the line.

It's almost like when you were kids playing at the courts at your school.  "I bet you can't make a shot from way over here."  Then they make that shot and you're out of your snack from lunch for a week.  Unless of course you claim that they were over the line!

The team owners did agree however to still make a charitable donation of an undisclosed amout to the hospital.  So in the end, everyone wins.  The guy made the shot, the hospital got some money, and the league definitely gets some attention.

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