Western New York Drivers Beg For Change In East Aurora
There are few things that frustrate a person who owns a car than when they hit a large pothole that rattles the car so much, they wonder if something literally fell off the car? The kind of pothole that makes you reach for the radio and turn the sound down to make sure the car is still running properly. The kind of pothole that makes you scream "why can't they fix the roads"!
There truly are two season here in the Western New York area; winter and construction! We have entered the construction season and after the winter we just had, hopefully that means the roads will be getting smooth. There is one spot that needs attention right away.
Driving around a "round about" can be tricky if you are not sure how to navigate it. But the "circle" in East Aurora seems to be even more difficult these days. There are numerous potholes that are getting larger and larger and need to be filled. Residents and drivers in East Aurora are ticked.
According to at least one East Aurora resident that I spoke with:
There is a group here in EA that is trying to get together to chew up the asphalt around the circle and pave it. Many of us are embarrassed by the circle and roads leading in to the village.
East Aurora Traffic Circle Damage
The winter we have just come out of was interesting in terms of weather. There was a blizzard, record warm temperatures, rain and then more snow. The roads take a beating in the winter here in Western New York. The worst part is the amount of salt that it takes to keep the roads safe. My guess is that the trucks need to go slower around the circle and, as a result, more salt gets dumped in a smaller stretch of road.
No matter the cause of the damage, East Aurora drivers are calling for it to be fixed. With the good weather coming this weekend, places like the Bar-Bill will be busy and there will be plenty of added traffic!