Everyone panic! If there was ever a time to do it, now would be the time. It looks like bacon prices are going up. Yes, you heard me. Bacon prices will be going up - sounds like reason to panic to me!
Yes... you read that right. If you think the one you spend the rest of your life with needs to share a love a bacon there is finally an app for you.
Oscar Mayer has released Sizzi as an iOS app that works similar to the Tinder dating app...
Wife Swap is an interesting social experiment television show. They take a wife from one house and ask her to go live with another family while that family's mother/wife comes to live with hers. It's amazing how one person can be the glue in a family. The mom that lives with this family however has her hands full. She finds that out when she decides to take all the "unhealthy" food o
Go ahead, say that title over and over again. It sounds just as good every time you say it. Bacon Wrapped anything sounds good to me. Now put it around a grilled cheese sandwich and we are headed to heart attack heaven.
As we gear up for summer, you gotta start thinking about the fair. With the fair comes strange foods that you may have never tried. Or for that matter, even dreamed of trying. The people at a blog called Oh Bite It dream these foods up daily. And recently, they may have struck gold.
I've seen this floating around Pinterest before but I feel now that it's more legit because "Food & Wine" is showing us. LOL
I love bacon on...everything. This will definitely step up my sandwich game.
How to Make a Bacon Weave for the World’s Best BLTF&W’s Justin Chapple has a bone to pick with the BLT—there’s not enough bacon in every bite. So he came up with a brilliant...