Saturday (5/8) is the big day for you to meet some of your favorite superheroes and to become one yourself with this food drive at the Walden Galleria.
Hello! It's Craig Matthews reminding you it's time again for the Erie County Sheriff's Mounted Unit semi-annual food drive we call, "Mounted for Meals". I say "we" because as many of you know my main career is in law enforcement.I have been a part of the Mounted Unit since 1996.
Hey, it's Craig Matthews letting you know if you couldn't make it to the "Food 2 Families" food drive today, you'll have another chance tomorrow and get to meet me, my fellow Mounted Deputies and our horses! As many of you know, in addition to my radio career I work in law enforcement with the Erie County Sheriff's Office Mounted Reserve Unit. Our event is called "Mounted for Meals&
The United Association of Letter Carriers’ 20th annual Stamp Out Hunger food drive is this Saturday. It’s the largest one-day food collection event in the country. You can help by simply placing canned and non-perishable foods at your mailbox for pick-up on Saturday.
Foods collected locally will be used locally thru the Food Bank.
Buffalo is once again is earning the reputation of being the city of good neighbors. This week 912 Project Buffalo is holding a food drive to benefit the South Buffalo community table Inc. It’s hard to imagine not knowing when your next meal could come
Hi, it's Craig Matthews inviting you to help us help the hungry. It's time for the Erie County Sheriff's Office Mounted Reserve Unit semi-annual food drive we call, "Mounted for Meals". It happens this Wednesday at Buffalo's famous Broadway Market. In addition to my on-air work here on WYRK, I am also part of the Sheriff's Mounted Patrol, serving proudly since 1996.