
Popular Sports Reporter Abruptly Leaving Buffalo Station
Popular Sports Reporter Abruptly Leaving Buffalo Station
Popular Sports Reporter Abruptly Leaving Buffalo Station
There has been quite the shakeup at local TV lately in Buffalo, New York. It seems like so many of your favorite reporters and TV personalities have up and left Buffalo. Although there may have been some warning internally at the stations, there is little warning to the viewers which makes the exits seem abrupt.
Irv Weinstein Dead At 87
Irv Weinstein Dead At 87
Irv Weinstein Dead At 87
The great Irv Weinstein has died at the age of 87 from his long struggle with ALS while living in California. While in Buffalo, Weinstein was part of the longest running anchor team in all of America from 1965 to 1988 with Rick Azar and Tom Jolls. Weinstein is in th...
Facebook Killer Found
Facebook Killer Found
Facebook Killer Found
@PAStatePolice Steve Stephens was spotted by PA State Police in Erie PA. After pursuit, Stephens shot and killed himself. @cleveland19news @PaulOrlousky — Paul Orlousky (@PaulOrlousky) April 18, 2017   Breaking News: The search for Facebook Killer Steve Stephens has come to a conclusion. Police sa...

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