This is the perfect time of year for people who love German food. If that's you, you'll be excited to hear that a German restaurant is reopening in Amherst.
Traditionally, the beginning of Oktoberfest is over in the very beginning of October. In Germany, the festival is a 16- to 18-day folk festival running actually in the middle of September and always ends at the first week of October.
Here ...
Now that the Fall season is here, it's time to do all of the "Fall" stuff. One of those activities for me is drinking some seasonal beers and ales.
Yesterday, I choose a seasonal brew to enjoy during the Bills game. My pick was Samuel Adams Oktoberfest...
Fall is such a fantastic time of the year! The leaves are changing colors, the smell of apple cider is in the air, and the autumn air is crisp. Definitely my favorite time! With this time of the year rolls in the fall festivities! Take time this weekend to enjoy the fall!
Sunday's are usually pretty busy in our household. A few of our Sunday morning rituals include: grocery shopping, gassing up the vehicles, yard work and laundry. And in the Fall, we try to get everything done early so we can sit down and watch our favorite football team of all time: The Buffalo Bills...
Get out and enjoy this Fall Season! The leaves are changing, the smell of apple cider is in the air, and it’s finally sweater weather! I can’t get enough of this time of the year! Here are a few activities to help you enjoy the change of the season!
It pretty much goes hand in hand with carving pumpkins, raking leaves, and Halloween. Oktoberfest is an annual rite of Fall – a chance to let loose and a good excuse to drink beer.
The first Oktoberfest was on this date in 1810 when Bavarian crown prince Louie married Princess Therese Sachsen-Hildburghausen. The people of...