
NY Is The Worst!
NY Is The Worst!
NY Is The Worst!
I'm not surprised at all by this survey.  How many times have you been on the road and had another driver speed up so you wouldn't pass them, refuse to let you merge, or pass you in the turning lane?  New York drivers are the worst!
R.I.S.E. U.P.
R.I.S.E. U.P.
R.I.S.E. U.P.
I don't know if it's the cold weather or the late nights but I have been having a miserable time waking up lately.  It's just so hard to roll out of a warm bed.  So I found this.  It's called the R.I.S.E. U.P. method.'s an acronym.  Every letter stands for something.
Yes It CAN!!
Yes It CAN!!
Yes It CAN!!
You've heard the popular phrases, "money can't buy happiness" and even "mo' money, mo' problems" right?  Well according to a few new studies, that's not necessarily true.  There are three ways that having more money CAN make you happier.

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