Are you ready to put your mask back time every time that you go in a public setting within Erie County? Do you have your mask on you at all times? We may be going back to being required to wear a mask in public. At least, here in Erie County.
Morgan Wallen is going out on his first major headlining tour hitting major amphitheaters next summer in 2022. When is Morgan Wallen coming to Buffalo? Where is Morgan Wallen playing? When do tickets go on sale for Morgan Wallen?
When did the Chicken Wing Festival get started? What inspired the National Buffalo Chicken Wing Festival to start in Buffalo? It was actually one certain celebrity that inspired it all!
Food Truck Tuesdays are coming back to Western New York this Summer! After taking last year off, they are ready to get back to normal starting the Food Truck season on Tuesday, July 13.
As you head into work this morning, you may want to go pick up your FREE donuts for National Donut Day! Every single year across all of America, the first Friday of June is National Donut Day and a lot of your favorite donut and coffee places around Western New...
Lets start getting back to normal, right? This thing looks incredible.
Now, you may have seen some of the tiki tours that run out to Riverworks by Buffalo Tiki Tours, right? This is the next latest and greatest adventure that they are bringing to Buffalo called the Grand Luca...
Another popular Western New York tradition has been victim of COVID. The German tradition, Waldfest, the 'party in the woods', has been officially canceled by SGTV Edelweiss, the organization that has put on the even for decades in Marilla at Spring Garden grove...
Obviously, because of COVID, you cannot go to the Key Bank Center for the upcoming Sabres season that gets kicked off on Thursday night at home against Washington.
You could be there, though!
Kind of.
Sabres fans will have the opportunity to be a cardboard cutout of themselves, which will sit in the 200 or 300 levels of the Key Bank Center...
It's going to be a great night to see the 'Christmas Star' in Western New York! Jupiter and Saturn are going to be the closest that they have been in almost 800 years.