Watch These Parents Fight Over Masks in School
09 The mask mandate in Florida caused one parent to let her fist do the talking. Recently, here in New York state parents, teachers, and students decided to take their frustrations out another way. According to wivb.com, this group of individuals protested outside of Evans town, there are some parents that believe that this mask mandate is an infringement on their child's rights and there are others that say safety is their biggest concern.
One of the school's plans is to give students a five-minute mask break every hour, but other than that, the student is required to have the mask on in class and on the bus. Would you believe that every 6 out of 10 people agree with the mask mandate for grades kindergarten through 12th grade? Well, in a recent poll done by the associated press, that proved to be the case. Just like the fight in Florida, there are some people that are really up in arms about this issue. Erie County Comptroller Stepfan Mychajliw said.
Parents have three options. litigate and sue and win, because we've beaten Governor Cuomo that way, send your child to school without a mask or homeschool.

It is true that the restaurant industry won a lawsuit by speaking out and refusing to accept the law for what it was at the time. I personally feel that this is a different matter because you're talking about the safety of school kids.
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