What Is Something You Enjoyed As An Kid, But Hate As An Adult?
We all know being a kid is awesome! You have lots of freedom and not a lot of responsibility and it is a magical time in our lives.
But as we get older, some of those "fun" things we loved doing as a kid, we really don't enjoy as an adult!
Here are some things we loved as kids but disease now as an adult.
1. Staying up all night. As a kid, it was a badge of honor that you would stay up all night long, going to bed after the sunrise. Now as an adult, if you stay up all night chance are you work overnight or are worried about your kids being out!
2. Sleeping over at a friend's house. When you are a kid, staying over a friend's was awesome. You could stay up all night (See #1) and just have lots of fun and pretty much sleep anywhere. As an adult, you have to worry about stinking breathe, if they have an extra room or sleeping on the couch, what you are going to wear the next day, etc...a lot more stress as an adult!
3. Christmas time. As a kid, this is an awesome time! You get presents, family comes over, you have off from school. As an adult, this could be the most stressful time of the year! You have to get presents, family is coming over, and the kids have off of school!
4. Your Birthday. When you are a kid, birthdays are amazing! You get cake, presents, and a party! As an adult, you are reminded that you are a year older, sometimes you have to WORK on your birthday, and eating that cake will wreck your diet!
5. Snow!! When you are a kid...Buffalo is a winter paradise! Lots of sledding, snowball fights, snow forts, and so much more! Plus there is a chance that School will be closed! As an adult, snow is fun on the weekend, but during the week...ugh! Driving in it stinks, having wet footwear and mats in the car stinks, brushing off the car stinks, and if the kids are off of school..it stinks!
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