You Will Have To Wait A Bit Longer For Great Deals From Amazon
Attention all bargain shoppers, you will have to wait a bit longer for big savings this year from online retail giant Amazon.
Lots of people look forward to huge deals during Amazon's Prime Day and while it will still happen in 2020, it won't be until later in the year.
Amazon Prime Day usually happens in the middle of July but this year due to COVID-19, the retail giant said they will push back the dates for the safety of their workers and to help ease an uptick in shipping issues due to online shopping due to the pandemic.
According to, Amazon has been suffering from shipping delays and worker shortages as more people shopped online during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Yet that huge uptick in demand has led to shipping delays, shortages and other snafus that Amazon has furiously worked to correct. It hired 175,000 new workers during the pandemic to work at its warehouses to meet demand.
The company has not announced when Prime days will happen this year.
In the past, Amazon Prime day has outpaced both Black Friday in terms of online shopping and has become a major sales day for Amazon.
During Amazon Prime day. prime members could see savings as much as 75% off certain items online.
Amazon Prime is Amazon's subscription-based service where for $120 per year users get free shipping on certain items, access to Amazon Music and Amazon TV.