5 Things That Didn’t Exist In 1999 That you Can’t Live Without In 2019
As we get ready to wrap up 2019 and the decade, here are our Top 5 items that didn't exist 20 years ago that you can't live without today.

1. SnapChat - The interactive App was released in 2011 and started with the ability to allow people to have their pics disappear after a certain time when they sent them. Currently, the App has 219 million active users.
2. Netflix Streaming - Netflix started out as a DVD rental business but really changed the way we view TV and Movies in 2010 when it started offering Streaming services. Who hasn't heard of "Netflix and Chill"
3. Iphones - Chances are that you take a peek, play a game, or send a text several times a day on your iPhone...People didn't before June 2007. That is the month the revolutionary handheld device was launched.
4. XBOX - Video gamers had to make do with 8-bit games before Microsoft released the Xbox back in November 2001.
5. Uber - Do you remember the yellow taxi cab? If you had to get a ride before March 2009 you do...In 2009 the ride-sharing app Uber was launch and changed forever how we get around town.
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