Animals NOT Banned as Pets in New York State
Someone told me the other day that they were going to get a pet kangaroo. They live out in rural New York State and it didn't sound like a bad idea. But, is it LEGAL to own one in New York State? What animals are you allowed to have as pets in New York State? Take a look at the list below.
There is actually new legislation that has been proposed that would ban animals from being pets or emotional support animals. It is important to note that this is NOT in law yet:
The Bill, which has already passed and been approved by the Senate, according to the New York State website reads:
Provides that "wild animal" means indigenous, non-domesticated animals native to the country in which they live and "exotic animal" means a wild animal with an origin of a different continent; adds certain wild or exotic animals to the list of non-companion animals.
The new proposal comes after a weird situation that was happening on Long Island. There was a business that was peddling exotic animals like sloths. If approved, the new law officially would ban New Yorkers from keeping pets like elephants, hyenas, rhinoceroses, and whales.
Believe it or not here are some animals that you CAN have in New York State.