Checking Out the Sights at the Allentown Art Festival
One incredible fact about the Allentown Art Festival. This year's edition is the 61st annual and it's the first time in my life I attended it. Where have I been all these years? What is it that I'm doing this time each year that I haven't been able to make time for one incredible event.
The Allentown Art Festival isn't your run of the mill flea market or lawn fete. There are vendors that come from all over the country and Canada to attend this event. And you're gonna find some really unique and classy art, furniture, home décor and all kinds of other items that you probably can't find anywhere else.
It's mainly located along Delaware Avenue between Tupper and North. The corner of Delaware and Allen is the focal point with part of the Festival running along Allen as well as Virginia Place and Franklin. There are over 400 exhibitors, 38 vendors, plus other food and beverage stands and street entertainers.
The Festival runs from 10 am to 6 pm both Saturday and Sunday and here's a little of what I saw in my stroll down Delaware Avenue and Allen Street on Saturday.