Clay and Hank Moden’s Fishing Adventure Is A Teaching Moment [WATCH]
Monday was a beautiful day to do some fishing and Hank and I took advantage of it!
With everything that is going on right now, I wanted to take a minute to get some fresh air and spend some time with the boys outdoors. Fishing is one of the best ways to have quality time with kids.Hank and his younger brother, Teddy, are easily distracted and we spend more time playing with worms than actually fishing.
On his first cast, Hank caught a sunfish! It was actually a decent size and his expressions said it all. It was a big moment for him and even bigger for me. As Trace Adkins sings about "he thinks we were just fishing."
My number one job as a dad is to prepare our kids for life. To help them grow up as people who understand the needs of others and know all there is to know about respect and dignity. It is MY job to give them a better understanding of how to treat others and how we should be treated.
As a father, I am dedicated to making sure my boys grow up in a better world than I did. I truly believe change starts in our homes. Admittedly, I am still learning and adjusting. But the greatest thing I can do as a father of these children is to set an example for peace and unity.