How Fat Is New York State?
High cholesterol, Type-2 Diabetes, hyper-tension, heart disease. They're all consequences of obesity and the United States has plenty of it. Probably way too much. But how does New York State stack up against the rest of the nation?
The personal finance website WalletHub has come out with a ranking of all the states and District of Columbia taking into consideration obesity among children, teens and adults. They also did a projection of obesity in the future.
WalletHub also measured and ranked states on the health consequences of obesity and their food and fitness rank.
When all those factors were combined New York State emerged as the 37th "Fattest State". Not bad when you consider that Chicken Wings are considered New York State's favorite comfort food.
What is the country's fattest state? Mississippi was easily Number 1 with its Obesity Rate, Health Consequences and Food and Fitness Rank all among the worst in the country.
Nine of the Top 10 fattest states were all what are considered southern states. The only northern state in that group was West Virginia.
Receiving high marks were the District of Columbia, Massachusetts, Hawaii, Utah and Colorado.
With November being National Diabetes Awareness Month it should be pointed out that Americans spend $237-billion a year on health-related obesity costs. That works out to about $9600 diabetes-related costs a year per patient.
Sadly, life expectancy for Type-1 Diabetes patients is reduced an average of 14 years for women and 18 years for men.
Click this link to see the complete WalletHub report.