Incredible Amount Of Coyotes In New York State
The heavy wet snow that covered Western and Central New York last week has become a sloppy muddy mess this week. The warmer weather has brought in rain and the melting snow has revealed a mixture of busted curbs and torn up lawns and driveways. With more than 80 inches of snow on the ground, it became tricky trying to figure out how to maneuver and where to pile it!
But what about the other creatures around us? What do they do in a massive storm like that? The truth is, animals are prepared for that type of weather and some adapt very well to extremes. One of the animals that seems to always come out a winner in these events is a coyote. Coyotes are just about everywhere and always find a way to make it through.
Did you ever wonder how many coyotes there are around us? You may not see them, but there is a good chance they are in your yard now and then. According to SUNY Environmental Science and Forestry:
Coyotes are firmly established throughout all New York counties except Long Island and New York City. Their numbers have been estimated at between 20,000 and 30,000. Coyotes are abundant throughout New York state.
I am in the woods often and hear coyotes barking and howling at sunrise and sunset as they hunt for food. It is an eerie type of sound that is also neat to hear. But for some, there is a fear that coyotes will cause them harm. There are some things that you should know about coyotes.
Attacks on dogs in rural areas most often occur during the coyote mating and pup birthing period – January through June – as a territorial defense behavior.
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Gallery Credit: Nicole Caldwell & Matt Albasi
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