If you ask about any financial analysis around New York State, they will tell you that the New York economy is booming. If you look at many primary economic markers, you may take that as true.

However, if you visit just about any local housing court in upstate New York, you will find a whole section of the community who are not seeing that economic boom in their wallets. While numbers have decreased from their post-pandemic record highs, evictions in New York State remain problematic.

READ MORE: Evictions On The Rise In Western New York

That problem is not just a New York City issue either, as communities all over the state see eviction numbers above historical norms.

Even with the fact that New York State boasts two of the most affordable cities in the world, thousands of New Yorkers are on the verge of losing their housing and potentially becoming homeless.

READ MORE: Homeless Camp Evicted From Park In This New York City

Over the years, New York State and other local municipalities have taken steps to help renters not become homeless by offering various forms of rental assistance. Still, the need remains greater than the available resources. Given those facts, another round of rental assistance funding is coming to upstate New York communities.

The New York State Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance (OTDA) is using more than $10 million in taxpayer funds to offer additional rental assistance with the new New York State Shelter Arrears Eviction Forestallment (SAEF) Program.

According to New York State Senator Sean Ryan, the average eviction in Buffalo, New York, is due to a tenant owing around $1,200. With such a relatively low amount owed, it seems a shame for someone to lose their house if a program like SAEF can help.

These funds can help prevent more than 1,000 individuals and families from potentially becoming homeless in Erie County, New York.

For more information about this new program and to apply, you can contact your local county Department of Social Services.

Everything Renters Need To Know About Legal Evictions In NYS

5 Things New York Should Ban But Never Will

It seems like New York State is banning everything nowadays, but here are a few things that should be added to the list

Gallery Credit: Ed Nice

Check Out This Multi-million Dollar House For Sale In North Buffalo

1180 Amherst St, Buffalo, 14216 | $2,525,000 | MLS#: B1437084 | Zillow - 30153302 | Ellen H Warner 716-725-1410 & Jake Warner 716-860-4704, Gurney Becker & Bourne

Gallery Credit: Ed Nice

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