Check Your Bouquet – Priceless Ring Goes Missing In East Aurora
Ladies, check the flowers and plants that you got yesterday for Valentine's Day. There may be a little extra in there...and the florist that put it together would like it back.
Yesterday was a huge day for flowers and candy. Some people probably even got engaged. It was the day of love. But for a florist in East Aurora, it created a worst-case scenario.
Valentine's day is like the Super Bowl for florists. It's a big deal. They take weeks planning and preparing tons of plants and flowers to all be given away in just one day. So imagine how it would feel to be one of those florists and know that in one of those plants could be your very own wedding ring.
You've heard of searching for a needle in a haystack. This really is comparable to that. That ring could be anywhere. Her name is Cheryl Gicewicz. She is the owner of Flowers by Nature in East Aurora. As she said, she was working with all kinds of things that day. She had multiple garbage bags and multiple bags of compost. It could be in any of the plants that she prepared that day.
There's another side to this too. She's not only looking to find her ring, but to get the word out so that someone doesn't think that they are being proposed to when they're not. It's not uncommon for people to sneakily place a ring in an inconspicuous place so that when it's found they can be on a knee popping the big question. But because this might just be a lost ring, that could end up poorly for both the receiver of the bouquet AND the person who gave it to them.
Did you find an extra little gift in your bouquet this Valentine's Day?