Major Damage To Sahlen Field Over The Weekend
I was shocked when I read the news over the weekend about Sahlen Field.
At some point over the weekend for whatever reason, people caused extensive damage on the actual turf of Sahlen Field between Friday night and early Saturday morning.
According to reports the estimated cost would be around $20,000 to fix it! The Buffalo Bisons will be home soon to start their round of games August 10 and we are in between that and the Toronto Blue Jays wrapping up their stand here in Buffalo.
I never understood vandalism in any form. How good does it make someone feel to go ahead and ruin someone else’s property or possession? How is that even a funny or clever move in any situation?
Buffalo has come together in so many ways and in so many areas that stuff like this really makes you wonder why? Why would anyone think of doing this in the first place? The Buffalo Bills will be starting their season soon and no doubt you’ll be overwhelmed with the amount of pride in this area and this football team. But beyond football there is a togetherness and sort of a Family vibe that we Buffalonians feel. Just open up any social media account these days around western New York and you will see all of the great things happening both downtown and in the surrounding suburbs. For someone to tarnish that with any sort of vandalism really Is disgusting at a shame.
If you have any information your ass to contact Buffalo Police Dept.