Massive Recall In New York State: Vision Warning
It seems that every other day we are getting some sort of news about a recall. This week, as we enter a new month, we are hearing about a product recall that has been announced by the FDA and will affect those who use a certain eye drop.
This time of the year, we are getting more colds and flu and the heat in our homes is making our eyes drier. Perhaps you are reaching for eye drops more often? Be careful which brand you are using as the recall comes after cases of people experiencing vision issues have been found.
According to the reports from the FDA, there are as many as 26 varieties of eye drops that may cause issues.
These products are intended to be sterile. Ophthalmic drug products pose a potential heightened risk of harm to users because drugs applied to the eyes bypass some of the body’s natural defenses.
The eye drop products are carried at a wide variety of locations across New York State.
There are some who might remember that there was a similar recall in the spring of this year.