NYS DEC Asking Pool Owners To Look For An Invasive Bug
If you own a pool in New York State you are being asked to help out the Department of Environmental Conservation this summer and early fall.
It was announced early this week on twitter that if you own a pool you are asked to be on the lookout for a specif type of bug.
We are constantly picking a variety of bugs out of our skimmer. From beetles to bees and other insects, the pool attracts a variety of creepy crawlers. For some reason, we seem to get a lot of frogs jumping in to our pool. I am not sure exactly where they are hopping from? We don't really have any ponds, streams or creeks near our backyard.
Over the last few months, I have noticed that our ash trees have taken a hit from the emerald ash borer. It is a shame because the trees are big and beautiful but will most likely have to be taken down.
I tell our boys almost every-time we are outback that we are responsible for the health of the trees and the environment around us. I try to teach them what I can about bugs, trees, weather and how we can make a difference to conserve them.