Open Letter: I’ll Never Complain About The Traffic In Buffalo Again
Dear Buffalo,
I've lived in Buffalo my entire life. When you are born and raised here, you are used to driving down the I-90, I-33, I-219, etc; but let's be honest, we don't really have to deal with "actual" traffic here on a normal day.
Sure, an accident happens and causes havoc, like any city, but Buffalo is about as good as you're going to find for traffic in the country.
My fiancée and I took a trip to Nashville for the Bills game this past weekend. We drove down to not only save on airfare and Uber costs, but to see the country along the way.
It's the first time I have driven through the likes of Columbus, Cincinnati, Louisville and Nashville and let me tell you -- those cities have some serious traffic. I wouldn't call them Los Angeles or Boston level (almost nothing is), but it's far worse than what we deal with in Buffalo.
Cincinnati is the most interesting. The city is on the border of Ohio and Kentucky and acts as a gateway to the southern portion of the United States. It has a few bridges to get across the Ohio River, and it was awful to drive through.
It clogs up so much, anywhere close to rush hour and just the way the highways and bridges are laid out, you're almost guaranteed to be stuck in traffic.
One of the things I noticed was the number of accidents. I don't have actual stats but we saw and had to drive through five different accidents from Ohio to Tennessee. Then a couple more on the way back. Perhaps a larger population will lead to that, but it was a headache to drive through.
I've done my fair share of complaining in what are definitely minor traffic delays along the 190 and 290. Never again will I complain...at least not until that next 33 outbound drive at 4 pm...
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