In Buffalo, it is very rare to see America's bird, the bald eagle in the wild. Once in a while you'll see sightings of a bald eagle, sometimes in Zoar Valley or maybe even Chestnut Ridge recently like in 2019.
we know that people in Western New York love the sightings of them and we just had to share this video of Jake Owen took on his property in Tennessee...
It's not every day that you see a bald eagle in Western New York! There are a few spots you typically may see them a little more often, such as Zoar Valley, but Lancaster was an unexpected place that one of the bird's were spotted. Most likely looking for some dinner, where the eagle sat there for about 5 minutes...
We reported two weeks ago that it was possible that the American Bison could become America's National Mammal, but it still had to go through the senate and be signed by the President. It looks like that only too two weeks because it was announced on May 9, 2016 that the President Obama had the signed the National Bison Legacy Act, putting the American Bison on the same level as the Bald Eagle.