Wegmans Puts Purchase Limits On Some Products, Including Toilet Paper
You may have noticed lately that products such as hand sanitizer and toilet paper have been hard to come by at your local Wegmans -- in response to the coronavirus outbreak.
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Now, there will be an expanded purchase limit on certain products at Wegmans, according to WGRZ.
Wegmans has purchase limits on high-demand products, such as toilet paper, disinfectant wipes and hand sanitizer. Wegmans says the limits are similar to what they see leading up to a weather event.
The store is also ordering more products based on the need of customers and employees.
Here are the product limits, according to a Wegmans press release.
Limit of 3 each per order
- Hand sanitizer
- Rubbing alcohol
- Alcohol wipes and prep pads
- Hydrogen peroxide
Limit of 2 each per order
- All Wegmans disinfecting wipes, 75 count
- All Clorox disinfecting wipes
- All Lysol disinfecting wipes
- Wegmans towelettes, 40 count
- Wegmans water, 35 and 24 packs
Limit of 1 each per order
- Wegmans bath tissue, family pack
- Wegmans soft bath tissue, family pack
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