Which Side Of The Bed You Sleep On Says A Lot About You
If you are in a relationship chances are that when you hit the hay you have a "Side" of the bed that you have claimed as your own.
I know that after being married for almost 20 years, my side is on the right side and my wife's is on the left. Once I tried to take a nap on the left side and it was weird. Even when we travel, I always end up on the "right" side of the bed.
There is a good reason why you always sleep on the same side. It comes down to your personality.
If you sleep on the left side of the bed, you are left-brained, prefer beer over wine, like drama movies, and lean left when it comes to politics. This is all according to a study done by swnsdigtial.com.
Now if you are a rightie when it comes to the bed, it means that you are right-brained, prefer wine over beer, like comedies, and lean a bit to the right when it comes to politics.
I will say that the study does fit me almost 100%.
But why do people choose one side over the other besides their personality? According to the study it has to do with being to get out of bed easier.
40% of people said "easier access to leave the bed" was the main reason they chose their side.
31% said their side had better access to a nightstand and 25% said their side gave them a better view of the TV.
So which side of the bed is yours?