This was a sight to see. Look what fell into the creek and made it red for miles and miles! Right by my house in Lancaster on Walden is Scajaquada Creek and by it is a trailer at the Superior Pallets facility and from there 175 gallons of the red mulch dye spilled into the creek.

The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation got a phone call from the Town of Lancaster and the DEC posted:

NYS Department of Environmental Conservation’s (DEC’s) Law Enforcement and Spill Response staff immediately responded to reports of water discoloration in Scajaquada Creek today.  Runoff from a leaking trailer containing red-dyed mulch at Superior Pallet Co., 3981 Walden Avenue in Lancaster, has been identified as the source of the discoloration. The mulch dye, “Mulch Magic Ruby Red,” contains iron oxide and ammonium hydroxide. DEC Fisheries staff inspected the creek this afternoon and found no observable adverse downstream impacts to fish populations. The spill has been contained and water coloration is improving. DEC is continuing to monitor and investigate the incident and will pursue appropriate enforcement actions if warranted", according to WGRZ.

There is no danger to the public.

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