2017 Buffalo Slow Roll Schedule!
One of the most popular, rising attractions and events during the Summer here in Buffalo is the Slow Roll, which attracts between one thousand and two thousand riders every Monday to tour different Buffalo locations. Usually, the tours end with some beverages or at a local restaurant as well.
All Slow Rolls are on Mondays and usually meet at 5:30 at the locations below.
Keep note for special Slow Roll events that are not on Mondays below*.
May 1 Niagara Square, Niagara Square 65 Niagara Square
May 8 Parade Street, East Parade Avenue East Parade Street
May 15 Mass Ave Park, Massachusetts Avenue Park Winter Street
May 22 Old First Ward, Old First Ward 73 Hamburg
*May 26 Buffalo Marathon Pedal, Osteria 166 166 Franklin St, 6 PM
*May 27 Buffalo Stampede, Buffalo Riverworks 359 Ganson St., NOON
May 29, Naval Park Tour, Buffalo Naval Park One Naval Park Cove