When we visited Quaker Boy they us make our own Turkey Calls! I was told she made it so well they would actually be able to sell it! (Clay and Dale did not receive that comment, lol.) I decided to gift mine to a family friend who actually hunts turkey. He went on a hunt this weeke
I must admit my Spring Turkey season has been a complete bust. Between working and family duties and our latest home renovations, I have not spend any time in the woods this spring in search of a gobbler. However, a couple of my friends have had success this year...
I love hunting and no matter what, it is always a good time. Successful or not, I make the best of every moment in the woods. Here is a video my buddy Paul took of me calling in a turkey this past weekend.
Today is opening day of Spring Turkey Hunting season here in Western New York. many of my buddies set out early this morning in hopes of bagging a jake or a tom.
Tomorrow is opening day of Spring Turkey Season here in Western New York. Many avid turkey hunters will be heading to the fields before sunrise in hopes of harvesting a jake or preferably a tom.
Turkey hunting is a very challenging hobby to say the least...
Last weekend was the Youth Turkey Hunt sponsored by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. Earlier this week we featured 14 year old Matthew Vizzi who harvested his first turkey in Caneadea, NY.
Many other Western New York junior hunters were also successful and sent me their photos...
This past weekend was the Youth Hunt for Spring Turkey Hunting. This is a special weekend designated by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation to encourage youths ages 12 to 15 to discover the exciting hobby of turkey hunting...
The Youth Hunt for Wild Turkey is this weekend, Saturday and Sunday, April 21 and 22, 2012. This special weekend has been set up by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation to allow young hunters between the ages of 12 and 15 to spend some time afield with experienced adult hunters to acquire the skills and knowledge to become responsible turkey hunters...
Spring Turkey season began this past Sunday and not too many of my friends have taken birds so far. Congratulations to 14 year old Alyssa Tomczyk who took a beautiful bird on Easter Sunday morning while hunting with her dad in Machias. The Youth Weekend always starts before the regular Spring Turkey season to allow young hunters to get started in the world of turkey hunting. Wa...
Yesterday was opening day of Spring Turkey season. Down at our camp in Caneadea, NY in Allegany County, we had ten of us take to the fields in hopes of bagging a bird. All ten of us came up empty-handed. But that's OK, because that makes it all the more enjoyable when you do get a bird. The most imp...
Many times when I talk to young turkey hunters, I get bombarded with questions about camo. What is the best camo to use? Does it make a difference what pattern I use? The most important element of using camo is to use it properly. The bran...