Proposed NYS Bill Would Ban The Retail Sale Of Dogs and Cats
There's a new proposed New York State bill that would ban retail pet shops from selling dogs, cats and rabbits as soon as mid-2021, according to WKBW.
If passed, New York would join Maryland and California in banning the retail sale of those pets.
Most pet shops these days do not sell dogs, cats or rabbits but according to The Humane Society of the United States and the New York State Animal Protection Federation but the idea for the bill would allow these pet stores to "re-brand as compassionate businesses that put puppies over profits," according to Libby Post, the executive director of the New York State Animal Protection Federation.
My fiancee and I rescued our dog back in 2018 and if you can I would definitely suggest going that route when deciding to own a dog or cat.
Read the story at WKBW.
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